This site contains information about texts by P. G. Wodehouse in Swedish translations.

On some of the subpages I have, at the end of the page, added a short list with translations into English of some important Swedish words . 


Bengt Malmberg has written an essay about Wodehouse and Sweden which was published in Wooster Sauce sept 2013 and in Plum Lines 2014. You can find a revised version of this here: pgw-conquers-sweden.pdf

Responsible for the site is Tomas Prenkert, email: [email protected]. You are very welcome with questions, for instance about translation!

There is a "sister" homepage for Wodehouse "research" in Sweden. It contains articles, (some in english) and presentations of ongoing studies. Follow this link:


Here follows a short summary of the contents of each subpage in the black bar on the top of this page.

HEM : Back to the first page

WODEHOUSE I SVENSK PRESS : A bibliography of texts by Wodehouse published in Swedish magazines and newspapers. It is arranged in alphabethical order by the names of the magazine/newspaper, and there is a link to a list in chronological order. This bibliography is a result of a research project. Many others have been involved in it. Among them Bengt Malmberg and Jimmy Karlsson. Most of the texts (over 100 publications!) are short stories but we have also found many novels as serials. Including new discoveries 2022-3 (thanks, Jimmy Karlsson!) we have now found 2 novels serialized in Magazines, 9 novels serialized in newspapers (mostly local press) published not less than 28 times! The most serialzed novel is Spring Fever, published in 7 different newspapers.

NYA NOVELLSAMLINGAR :  Information about:

- An anthology with all the 19 short stories about Ukridge was published October 2021 by the Swedish Wodehouse Society. Editor Björn Bergström. Most translations by members of the Society.
- An anthology was published October 2015 by the Swedish Wodehouse Society. It contains short stories that were never before translated into Swedish. Seven members of the Society made the translations. I had the honour of beeing editor.
- Two anthologies from 2010 and 2011 with short stories by Wodehouse that Bengt and I have edited. All translations are from old magazines and are not printed before in books in Swedish.
- An anthology 2013 with stories inspired by Sherlock Holmes, exclusively for members of the Wodehouse Society in Sweden and The Baskerville Hall Club of Sweden. Editor: Bengt Malmberg
- An anthologi 2022 with Reggie Pepper Stories most of them translated by Bengt Malmberg, excusively for members of the Wodehouse Society in Sweden.

ANTOLOGIER : A bibliography of  anthologies in Swedish in which Wodehouse is represented together with other authors.

BÖCKER : A bibliography of all books in Swedish by Wodehouse, with information about all editions and pictures of their fronts. You can also find a link to a list of reviews in Swedish press of books by Wodehouse.

LÄSVÄRT OM PLUM : Bengt´s selection of the best articles in Swedish about Wodehouse. You can also find links to
- a presentation by Bengt of English biographies about Wodehouse (updated 2018),
- a list of reviews of English biographies about Plum in Swedish press,
- a list of articles in Swedish press after his death.

ÖVRIGT : Some other information about
- movies made in Sweden based on books by Wodehouse,
- comedies and musicals by him given by theatres in Sweden,
- TV-programs about him made in Sweden.

NOVELLER PÅ SVENSKA : A list of all short stories (in alphabethic order by English title) that have been translated into Swedish, with information about different translations and where and when they were published.